Is Identity Theft Protection Worth It?

Garry Martin
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There are many identity theft protection services; however, you may be wondering whether they're worth it. This guide will discuss what identity theft protection is and whether or not you need to sign up for one.

It is virtually impossible to stop, considering that the majority of our personal information is on the internet and is readily available to an armed thief. Due to this, the majority of identification theft protection programs are focused on early identification and correcting by monitoring financial accounts and other public databases of personal data, such as social media. In this post, we examine whether the identity theft protection program is worth the price.

Is Identity Theft Protection Worth the Cost?

Suppose an identity theft protection solution is worth the price. In that case, it will depend on a person's financial situation, their fear of theft from their identity, and how much value they attach to what an identity theft security service can do.

Cost of Fee-Based Identity Theft Protection Services

The price for the identity protection service that is fee-based varies significantly. They are generally offered on a month-to-month or annual basis, with costs for monthly plans being more significant than the per-month cost for a yearly subscription.

The plan with the lowest cost in our ranking of the Top Identity Theft Protection Services of 2023 comes from Zander and is priced at $9.17 monthly, calculated upon the price of an annual package. The most costly plan is Aura, which costs $37.00 per month, based on the price of a yearly plan. The most expensive plan will cost you more than four times as much as the cheapest plan. There are sure of these plans offer family plans that oversee all three credit bureaus and provide other benefits.

Benefits of Fee-Based Identity Theft Protection Services

An identity theft security service that is fee-based service is backed by a business behind it, which has security specialists who are able to keep abreast of new cyber-security threats. The services offered include credit file, dark web and monitoring of public records along with the insurance to recover your identity and help.

"Leaders in identity theft protection know that people need access to additional digital tools and services that can be deployed to help prevent the theft from occurring," Explains Chris Semke, director of product management for security firm ZeroFox. "Monitoring covers everything from credit reports and credit file activity to data breach exposure to discovery on the dark web. Alerts serve as a notification layer to make you aware that some activity occurred with a piece of your personal information that is currently being monitored."

It is possible to check all the information you've collected on your own. An identification theft protection program handles the bulk of the task for you. "If your data is listed in the dark web or social media sites, as well as other databases, this could be a sign that a criminal has access to your information. If you're the victim of fraud, a lot of companies also provide advice from experts and insurance plans which can cover legal costs and any other charges associated with recovering your identity," according to a CNBC article.

Free Identity Theft Protection

It is also possible to get insurance against identity theft for no cost; however, in the majority of cases, you will have to complete the majority of the job by yourself. You will be required to keep track of your credit report, the bank statements you receive, and the credit card charges. Additionally, you may need to monitor your social media sites and search for accounts that are being created using your name, picture, and other details. There is a lot of help that can be found for free.

"There is a wide range of digital tools available that can help you better protect your online identity, and many offer protection for free," claims Emma McGowan, an online privacy expert and senior journalist for security firm Avast. In particular, she says that some security programs and anti-malware tools offer a no-cost VPN.

It is important to note that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) offers the following free steps you can take to protect yourself from identity theft. These include protecting the security of your Social Security number, being alert to account activity, and using an identity theft firewall. CISA will also remind you that identity theft can occur in many ways.

Additionally, you have the right to contest errors made on your credit report by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). According to the FCRA, after you've filed a mistake on your credit report, the reporting agency through which you received your credit report is required to erase this information within 30 days if they are unable to confirm the data.

What Is Identity Theft?

The U.S. government's identity theft website states that "identity fraud "happens when someone steals your personal information to commit fraud. The identity thief may use your information to apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services. These acts can damage your credit status and cost you time and money to restore your good name."

The risk is only growing more serious, according to Kunal Sawhney, CEO of Kalkine Group. "Identity theft is a gnawing problem and threat that online consumers are perennially exposed to," Kunal Sawhney says.

As per Semke, ID theft is one of the most prevalent crimes within the U.S., claiming a victim every 2 seconds. "This crime has become so common because criminals have expanded the ways to harvest and use a person's name, Social Security number, address, date of birth, credit card, financial and medical account information, driver's license, and even social media accounts for their gain," Semke says. "Identity thieves are using increasingly sophisticated methods to get your personal information and misuse it in ways that are hard to detect."

What Is Identity Theft Protection?

The protection against identity theft is an array of methods that reduce the risk that someone will steal your identity. It also lets you know when it happens and assists you in recovering.

A service for protecting against identity theft can help you with these duties, securing important information like information like your Social Security number or birth date as well as your financial information. It typically comprises credit files, dark internet, public records monitoring, and alerts. ID theft insurance and recovery services are often added, Semke says. The most effective identity theft security service offers additional security like:

  • A credit lock is a security measure that restricts access to your credit history in order to prevent someone from opening a credit card under your name.

  • A password manager lets you set up complex, unique passwords for all of your accounts online.

  • Social media account monitoring, which monitors your private data on social media sites and may help you avoid clicking on malicious links within a post or

  • Information is removed from broker sites, making it more challenging to search for that information using the results of a search on the internet.

The four primary purposes of an identity theft security service are credit monitoring and monitoring of identity, as well as recovering identities and theft insurance.

Identity Monitoring

It is similar to monitoring credit, but it also looks for personal data, even if it isn't related to recognition. It looks for data that could include:

  • Social security numbers

  • Changes in address

  • Public records appearance, as well as with federal courts and law enforcement

  • Web-based appearance, as well as the dark web

Services for monitoring identity are offered through companies that are part of our ranking of the Top Security for Identity Theft Protection Services of 2023, including IdentityForce, IDShield, and Aura.

Credit Monitoring

It is still possible to track your credit on your own, but an identity theft prevention service can do the job for you. The most important features of a credit monitoring service are:

  • The three credit bureaus that are linked to your account

  • Are you looking for personally identifiable information online? It's possible to find it in the dark internet

  • Monitoring your financial statements for suspicious activity

  • Be aware of your credit score and any changes

There are standalone credit monitoring companies in addition. It is also possible to join credit monitoring via your credit card or bank firm.

Identity Recovery

If you have lost your identity If your identity is stolen, a service for recovery could help to fix the problem. They can provide, among other things:

  • Make a fraud alert on every credit bureau.

  • Assistance in filing the report of identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in addition to an investigation report with the police

  • Aid you in ordering credit reports from all three credit bureaus.

  • With you, determine the specifications of your plan for restoration.

  • Find the necessary information to reinstate your identity.

  • Make calls to mediators with another party, like creditors.

Three of the companies we rated as the top Identity Protection Services of 2023 provide identity recovery services, such as IDShield, Zander (which offers insurance against identity theft with 1 million in protection) and Norton LifeLock. Additionally, the FTC assists in reporting identity theft as well as making and applying the recovery strategy.

Identity Theft Insurance

Insurance for identity theft covers the costs related to identity theft. The policy doesn't pay for funds that were taken as a result of identity theft.

"Identity theft insurance is an essential component to a comprehensive identity theft protection plan in that it offers peace of mind in the event that you fall victim to identity theft," Semke declares. "The insurance reimbursement provides coverage for any expenses such as credit reports, legal fees for some civil suits, fees for refiling loan applications, and so forth related to the recovery process and any lost income (time off work) resulting from an identity theft incident."

Three of the three companies included that we have rated as the top Identity Theft Protection Services of 2023 offer insurance against identity theft in the following plans:

  • Zander 1 million will cover paid wages, legal fees such as document notarization freezing, credit freezes and filing charges, child or elder treatment and medical records ordering, and replacement of ID cards, as well, in contrast to most policies, the protection of stolen money.

  • Norton LifeLock: Up to $1 million, based on the plan, will cover the cost of legal fees as well as related costs.

  • IdentityIQ: The Plan provides 1 million dollars in compensation for money stolen as well as other costs, the possibility of $1,500 per week for up to five weeks of wage loss.


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