Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel)

Garry Martin
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The tower was designed and built to be constructed for the 1889 Exposition Universelle (the World's Fair). The Eiffel Tower was designed to be an edifice that could only be used for a short period; however, it's been a hurdle to destruction twice. First, in 1909, it was put up for sale due to the possibility of it being the tower of transmission (an antenna was erected on top of it). Gustav Eiffel, the chief architect of the Eiffel Tower, was the architect of the Eiffel Tower. He conducted a range of experiments carried out by scientists within the tower in hopes that the results would help to extend the life of the tower. One of them was an experiment in wireless transmissions, which was passed by the tower in a blaze of glory.

When it was World War I, the Eiffel Tower's capabilities allowed it to detect communications coming from enemy forces as well as transmit information to soldiers in the field. Another time that the Eiffel Tower was close to being destroyed occurred during its German invasion of France in World War II. Hitler had a plan to remove the Eiffel Tower from the tower but did not go in with his idea.

Nowadays, the Eiffel Tower still serves as a communication tool. However, it is mostly appreciated for its beauty. If you are able to believe that, a large number of Parisians originally considered the tower's architectural beauty to be just an eyesore. However, the Eiffel Tower has become one of the most popular tourist spots worldwide. The public can take a walk to the very first level of the Eiffel Tower. Or use the elevator all the up to the top and be rewarded with breathtaking views of the city. Some recent visitors complain of lengthy lines, especially in the summer months - visitors can avoid the lines when they book their tickets through the Eiffel Tower.

While some people prefer to avoid paying the fee in order to reach the summit, most believe that the views are worth the effort. It is also highly recommended to make another trip in the evening. It's because each hour between sunset and eleven p.m., millions of light bulbs that flicker create the Eiffel Tower shine and leave visitors in total admiration.

It is possible to reach Paris, the city's most well-known landmark, via the Bir-Hakeim Trocadero as well as Ecole Militaire metro stops, accessible via lines 6, 8, and 9. It is the Eiffel Tower, located on the western edge of Paris. It is accessible all during the entire year, starting at 9:00 a.m. up to midnight at 11:45 p.m. It is open according to the time of day and the year. The cost of admission varies based upon how high you'd like to climb and the method you'd like to reach it (elevator or via stairs). The majority of visitors take an elevator up to the top of the tower, which costs 28.30 euros (about thirty dollars) for adults. 14.10 euros (roughly $15) to visitors who are between 12 and 24, as well as 7.10 euros (about $7.50) to kids between the ages of 4 and 11. To learn more, go to the monument's webpage.


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